Gift Flowers

Sympathy Flowers

Florist Specials

Occasions Flowers


Seasonal Flowers

+44 (0) 1484 844472

Same day local delivery available on orders before 2pm, Monday to Saturday

Gift Wrapped


Lily Blossom Florist superb range of floral hatbox designs are sure to WOW the lucky recipient, whatever the occasion. Whether you’re looking for a centrepiece for a celebration, marking a very special anniversary or saying congratulations, we have the perfect floral hat box.

Easy to care for – simply spray the flowers with water and they will last for days and days – these arrangements make ideal gifts. Made with the care and attention you would expect from Lily Blossom Florist, our hat box designs are available in a colour and style to suit any taste.

We deliver in and around Huddersfield and offer same day delivery Monday to Saturday on orders placed before 2pm.