Gift Flowers

Sympathy Flowers

Florist Specials

Occasions Flowers


Seasonal Flowers

+44 (0) 1484 844472

Same day local delivery available on orders before 2pm, Monday to Saturday

Reviews for Lily Blossom Florist - See What Our Customers are Saying

At Lily Blossom Florist we care passionately about customer satisfaction and for this we work tirelessly to deliver beautiful fresh flowers every day. Our latest reviews have been received via our membership with Direct2florist. Each review has been verified by Feefo. Feefo is an independent review specialist and they ensure only customers that have placed an order may leave a review.

Fantastic service,very friendly people and would definitely use again!


ADAM - D2f Review

16th Feb, 2015

I rang in the morning and 2 hours later the flowers had been delivered for my mums birthday, excellent customer service and beautiful flowers! Carnt fault anything. Thank you :)


Adelle - D2f Review

12th Feb, 2014

Lovely flowers delivered as agreed.


Mr Sullivan - D2f Review

26th Dec, 2013

Excellent service and beautiful flowers that are still going strong after almost 2 weeks!


Miss Bridgman - D2f Review

20th Mar, 2013

Gorgeous bouquet and a great price. My flowers from Lily Blossom always really last as well. An excellent independent local shop.


Miss Jones - D2f Review

10th Mar, 2013

Great service and flowers, thanks!


Liz - D2f Review

14th Feb, 2013

Excellent, many thanks


Mr Hayes - D2f Review

19th Dec, 2012